The best beef dishes of our restaurant

The 4 best beef dishes that you will find in the menu of the My Way restaurant.
Best beef My Way

Beef is an ideal food to incorporate into a healthy diet. Why? Because it provides us with a great amount of proteins, iron and vitamins of the B group. The content of this meat does not reach 10% of fat. This means that it has less fat than lamb meat and also some pork parts.

If you are a beef lover, these 4 proposals from the My Way menu will surely surprise you.

Table of contents

Beef carpaccio with rucola and parmesan

carpaccio italian dish my way restaurant
Although traditionally carpaccio is made with ox meat, in our restaurant we serve a version with beef that will fascinate you. This Italian recipe is prepared with the part of the sirloin that is located in the loin. As it is an area not very exercised by the animal, its meat is tender and tasty. The recipe you will find in My Way contains a delicious dressing with rocket and parmesan.

Sirloin steak Gold with truffled potatoes gratin

The favorite recipe of our clients. We serve it with a base of potato gratin, very juicy potatoes baked with cream sauce, cheese and truffle.

We grill an excellent quality sirloin steak so that it is very juicy on the inside.

Likewise, we sauté some wild mushrooms and foie gras, and give the final touch with a Pedro Ximénez reduction.

Sirloin steak Gold

Pyrenean beef entrecote

Pyrenean beef entrecote

Another star of our restaurant, with a simple elaboration, but with great flavor, is the exceptional 400-gram piece of Pyrenean beef. A grilled entrecote that preserves all its juiciness.

This meat has a Protected Geographical Indication Certification. It comes from Bruna breed calves from the Catalan Pyrenees, an animal raised at almost 2,500 meters and fed with mother’s milk and pasture.

Tagliatelle with sirloin of Angus beef

If you like pasta, you will love this recipe for tagliatelle with Angus beef sirloin.

This meat comes from North Scotland and is one of the most appreciated all over the world. The first years of these animals’ life they are left in freedom, and at around 2 years of age they begin to feed on cereals. It is a very tender and delicate meat.

At My Way we serve this meat with pasta, and with a creamy and delicious truffle sauce with hints of green pepper.

Book now!

We open from Monday to Sunday, from 6:00 PM.


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