Everything you need to know about our tournedos rossini sirloin

Discover why the sirloin has become an essential dish for those seeking an unforgettable culinary experience at My Way.

The sirloin is not just a cut of meat; it is an experience that connects us with centuries of culinary tradition and the ongoing quest for perfection in the kitchen. Imagine the tenderness of each bite, the richness of its flavour, and how each plate of sirloin carries with it stories from bygone eras, from royal banquets to today’s most exquisite tables. But what makes this cut so special, and how has it come to occupy such a prominent place in haute cuisine? Join us on this journey to discover the answer.

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Learn about its origin and evolution

The sirloin comes from the loin of the animal, an area that performs minimal effort, giving it an unparalleled texture. In ancient times, this cut was considered a true delicacy, reserved only for the nobility and special occasions. Over time, the sirloin ceased to be an unattainable luxury and became integrated into kitchens across Europe, becoming the star dish of many family celebrations and intimate gatherings. Each bite of sirloin connects us with a history of exclusivity and appreciation that has evolved over the centuries.

The sirloin and Rossini: The story of tournedos

The connection between sirloin and composer Gioachino Rossini is celebrated through the iconic “tournedos rossini”. This dish, which combines a sirloin medallion with foie gras and truffles, was created in honour of Rossini, a lover of fine food known for his discerning palate. The recipe was devised by chef Marie-Antoine Carême, who wanted to pay tribute to the composer with a dish worthy of his status. The “tournedos rossini” not only stands out for its luxury and sophistication but also reflects the culinary opulence of the 19th century. This dish remains a symbol of haute cuisine and a way to celebrate both music and gastronomy.

At “My Way,” we understand that the sirloin is not just a dish but a complete experience. We treat it with the respect it deserves, using culinary techniques that enhance its natural flavour while adding a modern touch that makes it unique. When you enjoy a sirloin at our restaurant, you’re not just eating; you’re participating in a gastronomic tradition perfected over the years. It is an invitation to savour the history, care, and passion that we put into each plate.

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Les Heures Street, 4-10, 08002 Barcelona


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