Everything you need to know about brownies

Whether you enjoy it on its own or with a scoop of ice cream, our brownies are the ideal dessert. Come and try it at our Mediterranean restaurant in Barcelona!
Brownie dessert restaurant

Today, in this new article from our blog, we’re talking about brownies. And we’re not talking about just any brownies, but the delicious brownies we create at My Way. Is your mouth already watering?

But before you rush to our restaurant, let us tell you a bit about the history of this dessert. Brownies originated in the United States in the late 19th century, and since then, they’ve become one of the most popular deserts worldwide. And no wonder! Who doesn’t love a rich, fluffy brownie filled with chocolate?

At My Way, we take the creation of brownies very seriously. We use the finest quality ingredients, and our chefs have perfected the recipe to ensure that each bite is an unforgettable experience. So if you want to enjoy a true quality brownie, you know where to find it!

Table of contents

Brownie's Origin

Origin Brownies

Legend has it that brownies were born from a kitchen mistake. Apparently, a lady was making a chocolate cake but forgot to add the baking powder. What came out of the oven was a dense dessert that surprised everyone who tried it. That’s how brownies were born.

Of course, this isn’t the only version of the story. Some say brownies emerged in a Boston bakery, where a chef decided to create a dessert that was easy to carry and eat.

Others claim that brownies are a simplified version of the Sacher torte, which originated in Austria. Whatever their true origin, the fact remains that brownies have become one of the world’s most popular deserts. And no wonder—who can resist a piece of dense and creamy chocolate?

Tips for Making a Good Brownie

First and foremost, a good brownie should have a perfectly smooth and moist texture. If you need a glass of milk to swallow your brownie, it’s not the right one! It should melt in your mouth without crumbling in your hands. It’s the perfect balance between soft and firm!

Additionally, a good brownie should have a flavor that blows your mind. It’s not enough to just have a chocolate taste—it has to be a high-quality chocolate flavor! Sweet, but not so sweet that you feel overwhelmed after a bite.

Last but not least, a good brownie should look appealing. A light and crispy crust, yet a soft and fluffy interior. If the brownie looks dry and cracked, it’s not the right one!

Textures of brownies

There’s no doubt that the brownie is one of the most delicious desserts in the world! But have you noticed that they can have different textures?

Textures of brownies

There’s no doubt that the brownie is one of the most delicious desserts in the world! But have you noticed that they can have different textures?

First, we have the soft and fluffy brownie, the “cakey,” which melts in your mouth like a dream come true. It’s as if someone found a way to make an edible and delicious cloud. Then there’s the dense and chewy brownie, the “chewy,” which sticks to your teeth like a koala to a tree. It’s so satisfying to chew and savor every bite. And let’s not forget the crispy and crunchy brownie, the “crackly,” which makes you feel like you’re biting into a piece of caramel. It’s so good you could eat it all day!

Chocolate Brownies

So the next time you eat a brownie, pay attention to its texture and enjoy it to the fullest.

Make your reservation

We await you at our restaurant located in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona.


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