3 facts about New York that you didn’t know

Discover some fun facts about New York, the city that inspires our Restaurant Lounge My Way, in Barcelona.
facts new york

At My Way Restaurant, you will find the authentic essence of New York, but in Barcelona city center. The atmosphere is inspired by the figure of Frank Sinatra, Art Deco, and New York City of the 1950s.

In this article, we want to pay a small tribute to the city that Frank Sinatra loved and that inspired our restaurant, with 3 curious facts that you may not have known.

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Multiculture city

My Way ambient Barcelona

In the city of New York alone, there are over 8 million inhabitants, making it one of the most multicultural metropolises in the world.

In fact, 36% of its residents were born outside the country.

And, obviously, the more multiculturalism, the more linguistic wealth there is. In New York, 50% of the population speaks a second language apart from English. If we add up all the languages spoken there, we would have a total of 800 different languages – and that’s without even going to the headquarters of the United Nations. This is the multicultural environment that you can experience at My Way restaurant, along with a Mediterranean cuisine with international inspirations.

Iconic districts and neighborhoods of New York

Geographically, New York is divided into 5 major districts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. In turn, these are composed with more than 40 neighborhoods, each with its own identity. Discover the particularities of the districts and neighborhoods that have inspired our groups menus.


Harlem Nueva York

Harlem is one of the most iconic neighborhoods in Manhattan. Known for its music, color and vitality, it is a neighborhood with a large African American community.

It is an excellent place to enjoy jazz music clubs.


Queens is the largest borough of New York City. It is famous for being the most ethnically diverse district in the world. 

In the 1940s, it was the epicenter of jazz music, where performers like Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, and Count Basie played.

Queens New York


Manhattan New York

Manhattan is one of the most well-known districts of New York City. It’s an island located at the Hudson River mouth.

Within this district are major attractions such as Broadway, the Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park, among others. This district is also home to the financial heart of the United States, Wall Street.


Soho is a neighborhood within the Manhattan district, known for its Bohemian atmosphere and gathering place for artists.

 There are large art galleries such as DTR Modern Galleries or William Benett Gallery located there. The buildings have an industrial feel, and are characterized by the presence of fire escapes on their facades.

Soho new York

Music of New York

New Orleans was the most important jazz music hub until the 1930s. However, the closure of the Storyville district in 1917 caused many musicians to gradually migrate to industrialized areas, such as Chicago or New York, which had great nightlife. 

This is how some jazz artists arrived in New York’s neighborhoods such as Queens, Harlem or Brooklyn where they performed in jazz clubs and gradually became professional musicians.

Frank Sinatra

Although the singer was born in New Jersey, Frank Sinatra spent large parts of his childhood in New York City. He was so passionate about the city that he paid homage to it in his legendary song “New York, New York”.

Live the My Way experience

Enjoy the atmosphere of 1950s New York in the heart of Barcelona.


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