Coffee facts you didn’t know

Learn some coffee facts, one of the most consumed beverages in the world.
coffee origin

According to “Coffee drinking habits in Spain” report done by Café & Té, Spaniards drink an average of 3.6 coffees a day. We do so in a differentiated way between working days and weekends. Therefore, when we are not working, the average drops to 2.7 cups a day.

If you can’t live without coffee in your veins, we encourage you to read on to discover some curiosities you might not have known.

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Recognise your coffee: roast and origin

We drink it, we enjoy it, we get active and that’s it. That’s why we’re going to give you the keys to getting to know your morning latte.

Roast types

coffee facts

When the green coffee beans are harvested, they go through a long process until they reach your cup. First, the beans are dried and separated according to where they come from. Then they are roasted in rotating tumblers at a temperature between 150º and 225º. The result is a dry coffee bean that can be turned into powder.

There are 3 types of natural roasting:

Light roast

As its name suggests, it is a subtle roast that preserves all the original flavors.

Medium roast

It is a roasting that adds sweetness to the beans. It is achieved by caramelizing seeds natural sugars. In terms of taste, it has nuances reminiscent of caramel or even chocolate.

Dark roast

The essential oils are removed during the roasting process. This gives it a smoky aroma that is sometimes mistaken for burnt.

In Spain, there is also another roasting way where sugar is added. This reaction caramelizes sugar and gives the grains a shiny coating.

Coffee origin countries

coffee origin
The coffee plant was discovered in the 11th century in Ethiopia. Gradually, its properties became popular and spread throughout tropical Africa countries (Ethiopia and Uganda), Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia and India) and America (Colombia, Honduras and Brazil). Depending on the bean origin country, the coffee taste and aroma can change.

For example, if we choose a Colombian coffee, we will have an intense and bitter aroma drink. On the other hand, if we choose an Ethiopian coffee, we will have a delicate coffee with fruity touches.

Although it is not a producer per se, Italy is a benchmark in coffee consumption. Discover the best of Italian coffee.

My Way's coffees

Espresso Martini Coffee

In our restaurant, My Way, you can give the finishing touch to your dinner with 15 different types of coffee. There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties that you will love.

Discover them all in our menu.

Cocktails My Way

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